If there’s a more magical place on earth sign me up now and get me there pronto!

Never mind that this is a double flight trip from Gatwick, or that it’s followed by a three and half hour car journey, don’t worry that the roads are narrow and that at times it can rain, a lot!

For on your journey you will be rewarded with the most stunning scenery, the warmest of welcomes and some of the best fish dishes ever.

Lofoten is situated 69 degrees North in Norway, this is the Arctic Circle where the Northern lights dance, the Killer Whales prey and the Viking Kings held court.

20 years ago golf architect Jeremy Turner built a 9 hole course where no one would ever think it possible. Today with the vision of owner Frode Hov, and the experience of Troon Golf, together they are in the process of making this an 18 hole complex.

My brief was simply to try and capture the pure beauty and scale of the area. There were a few anxious moments from Frode before our visit as he knows only too well how the weather can shift and close in.

So we kept an eye on the forecast and with 2 days to go Ian Bullied from Troon pressed the buttons and gave the go ahead for the shoot.

As predicted the weather at this time of the year can change, we experienced some very heavy rain and high winds. But the breaks in between were just what I needed to get the first collateral images bagged.

There are plans to build a 150 room hotel on the complex, the design is elegant, and at one with the area, the rock foundation overlooking the 18th will be an integral part of the interior of the building.

I’ve been invited back next year to shoot the course again, the new Island hole 2nd will be ready, it will be the golf hole all course photographers will want to shoot! If I’m lucky, I’ll get to see the Northern lights, or even the family of Killer whales that hunt these waters.

This will be the place all golf nuts will need to tick off their list of must courses to visit, play midnight golf, drink the local beer, eat the local fish and have the trip of a lifetime.